Saturday, December 8, 2007

Santa Klaus

Because of that site I'm making, I've recently been searching for a lot of pictures. Most recently, I've been looking for pictures of the Baudelaires from A Series of Unfortunate Events. In my attempt, I stumbled upon a really coll art site: Page One Page Two

I've had a lot of fun clicking around, and here are my favorite pieces: (I'm jealous of the mad skillz of the people who made these)

Luna Lovegood

Klaus Baudelaire (Actually the picture that brought me to the site)

All Three Baudelaires

Snape on Valentine's Day

Harry and Cho

"Little Kiddie Snape in Bad Weather"

Viktor (My personal favorite---the artist said she hoped he didn't look too much like Santa)

Click around the site---it's really cool!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Random Silliness

I've noticed myself watching videos and reading a lot of about Nicole Richie recently. Normally, I wouldn't, but I've been interested ever since she started dating Joel Madden. Ever since they started dating, I've been really surprised how much she's accomplished and straighted up.

I've also been flipping through my blog archive. I came across one post in which I posted four mini-skits, two by me and two by Karen. As I was reading one of mine, I was surprised to see one of my posts:

Joel- Well, I don't know....I'm already engaged to someone who has been in jail several times, done drugs and made me dye my hair like Cruela deVil....*sobs* MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!!!

While I do still have the same opinion on his old haircut, I was shocked to see how different my opinion on Nicole has changed over the course of 3 months. Really.

So, Nicole, if you read this blog (which I highly doubt), take no thought in that comment. Skittlers...they think they can do EVERYTHING...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

NaBloPoMo Aftermath

After 30 straight days of blogging, posting daily has become a sort of habit. Really. It's almost 8PM the second day after NaBlo, and I should be doing one of the following:

-Reading my literature book
-Working on my Geography map
-Reading "A Christmas Carol" so I can land a good role when my literature class performs it
-Cleaning my room

What AM I doing? Blogging! I have absolutely nothing to blog, yet I have this insane urge to post something. This is going to become ridiculous, as I'm going to be feeling guilty for not blogging on days that are incredibly busy. (Such as swim meet days)

I suppose I just don't want to fall back into my post-every-three weeks mode again. Now that I've begun blogging, I really enjoy getting comments and just writing random stuff. So I suppose I'm becoming post-protective and not letting a day slip without me posting.

Now, when I go away for the weekend in like, two weeks, THAT will be interesting. Chances are, I'll have to bring a pen and a notebook so I can write my daily entry and then copy it into my blog. Desperate much?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Memories of Germany

Probably the main way I start liking bands is when I hear them after I've forgotten them for about three years. I listened to "Bring Me To Life" when I was 8, and now I'm a huge Evanescene fan. I've been listening to "Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous" since I was five, and that got me to star liking Good Charlotte (Recognizing "Predictable" sealed the deal, though).

Well, today, I was prowling roleplaying boards online until I came to one entitled "Band Roleplay". I wasn't going to join, but I like reading other people's roleplays. My ears nearly perked up when I saw one person arguing with another person about being a member of Oomph. I remembered them from Germany, and I remember this one song of theirs being on MTV a lot. I didn't remember the name, but I remembered part of the song had "liebe" in it, so I figured to search Youtube for "Oomph- liebe"

I just found it. The music video is just as I remember it.

If you want to watch it, here you go:

Friday, November 30, 2007

Hug Your Blog Daily

That's what my mom asked me when it became around nine: "Did you hug your blog today? Better be hugging it."

Posting everyday actually wasn't as major a pain as I thought it would be. At first, I thought I was crazy for signing up for NaBloPoMo, considering that prior to November, the most number of posts in a month was five. Chances of me blogging every day seemed slim.

Yet, I remind myself that once I publish this, I'm done: no more constant blogging, no freak-out, quick, last-minute posts, no more daily blog hugging.

I think I'm going to miss it.

So I think I might try and continue it. I mean, not daily or anything, but periodically post something interesting, cool, weird, etc.

Then again, I've gotten slightly bored with what's going on with me. I think that, actually, I'll give Rodents on the Roof another chance and post another edition of Rodent Report

Hey, I just published this. NaBloPoMo 2007 is officially OVER.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

4D Dream: Sight, Sound, Smell, and Touch

I had the absolute weirdest dream last night.

It wasn't weird as in the fantasy pokemon legend dream I had a couple nights ago (Don't ask), but weird as in so realistic yet so impossible.

Most of the dream is kind of fuzzy now, but I do remember the main part: I was the exact age I am now (12) and my mom was letting me get a tattoo. Scratch that---TWO tattoos, both right next to each other on my upper right arm.

Let's get one thing straight. I think tattoos are pretty cool. I think it's stupid to just walk in, find a design you like, and paint it on, only to hate it five days later. But still, some people can pull them off really well. (Billy Martin, for example)

The part that made it so weird was the fact that my mom would NEVER in a million years sit next to me as I got all tattooed and even encourage me to keep going ("Come on---just two more inches and you'll be done!"). I mean, I've told her about the fantasy my friend Karen and I share about getting our hair dyed black and some other neon color when we're 18 and 19, but in my dream, I WAS STILL 12!

Scary thing is, I felt the needle. It hurt. A lot.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quadruple Reed

You know how a couple weeks ago, I was moaning about how my oboe stopped working?

Well, I sent it in for repairs. It had a pad missing. It was replaced on the spot. Before the repairman left, he decided to drop off the oboe that my mom decided to rent because we thought that my regular oboe might be in the shop for a few weeks.

So now I'm stuck with not one, not zero, but TWO oboes! It's kind of strange, considering on Tuesday I was oboeless and today I'm...oboeful. It's kind of like growing two inches overnight.

I have the second oboe for about a month, unless we decide to keep renting it and eventually keep it. During that time, I plan to take advantage of my two oboes and keep one at home and one at school. Might as well make use of it.

However, I'm still contemplating which oboe to use for the concert based on difficulty and sound quality. Some girls may obsess about which pair of shoes to wear to the mall. Me? I don't have time for silly things like that! I'm busy debating which reed to use.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Typical Day

I've noticed that sometimes I might say "Sometime around 4th period..." or something like that if I'm referring to 4th period at school. It just hit me that none of my readers really know what 4th period is for me! So as a boring but informative post, I'm posting a normal day in the life.

6 AM- My brother wakes me up by turning on the lights, filling my room with blinding light. If I feel energetic (Which I usually don't), I'll get dressed. If I feel lazy, I'll eat breakfast in my pajamas---the closest thing I can get to Breakfast in Bed.

7:30ish AM- I'm in homeroom usually reading, writing in my agenda, finishing my homework, or doing absolutely nothing. Good enough for me.

1st period- Geography. It's my favorite and best subject, and I really like my teacher. (He's cool!) We're usually reading the next section, discussing the previous section, taking a 12-question quiz, or working on our group projects (My group is doing Russia.)

2n period- Band. I really like my 1st-4th period classes, so I'll just say that and be done with all the "I like this class because..." stuff. I play oboe, but am considered a flute because there's only four flutes and only one oboe. I'm also the only double reed. Woo hoo!

3rd period- Literature. We usually do hands-on stuff with the stories from out textbooks, such as trials, skits, vocabulary games, etc. We just started reading circles, so we're taking a break from our regular textbooks and reading actual books with our groups. MY group is doing "Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry".

4th period- Science. It's also lunch and recess, so it's kind of a short period. Still, it's interesting and I understand a lot of the concepts I started on in 5th grade a whole lot better, such as chemical reactions.

5th period- Math. We tend to spend two days on a section: one to do problems from the textbook and one to do word problems. It makes it easier to know what to expect.

6th period- Language Arts. We're currently doing a lot of Power Point things, which is kind of hard because I know absolutely nothing about Power Point. I'm alright with Word, but all the snazzy stuff some people can do in PP? I can't understand I a bit of it.

7th period- PE. Currently, we're focusing on Flag Football, and we've done Frisbee, soccer, and basketball. I've heard that about once or twice each quarter, we play DanceDance Revolution, but so far there's been no word of it. I hope we get to do it, as I'm pretty good at it.

After school- Swimming, piano and beta Club, drama, bassoon, or just plain hanging out. I'll get cracking on my homework at around 7.

10 PM- Lights out!

Hopefully, tonight will be earlier...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Scales and Arpeggios

I started piano lessons today.

I also started Beta Club, but I had been waiting for piano lessons more or less since I started to teach myself piano. I'm all right at it, but not amazing. Hopefully it'll help me figure out bass clef a bit more and help me on the bassoon (Which is also going well---I know four notes and can play "Mary Had A Little Lamb")

My teacher is really cool and is letting me kind of pick up where I left off. I'm a lot more fluent with treble clef now, so that'll help me out a fair bit.

I know it'll take a while, but I have some sheet music in my piano bench that is slowly collecting dust. I'm hoping that in a few months I'll be able to dust it off and actually play it full way through without spending five hours decoding it.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

5 More Days!

I can't believe that I've made it to the final 6 days of NaBloPoMo. I nearly slipped up on day 2 (Day 2! How pathetic is that?!) but managed to post something (As you saw).

I made my new logo this morning. I got bored with just having me be in the picture, so I made a green guy to be an elf, shrunk him, and scattered a few on the picture. I think it looks a lot nicer. I also really like my off-white background: it makes things so much easier to read and it just makes the screen look cheerier if that is even possible.

Hey, go me! I posted before 9 this morning, and now I only have 5 more posts until I'm DONE!

It's kind of strange having 25 posts in November and having one in October. In second place for month with most posts is June, with five. Huh.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

In Need of a New Look

Well, now that Thanksgiving's over, I've decided to change my blog up a bit. I'm still choosing which theme to go with, so if the new layout isn't up soon, it means I'm still arguing with myself. However, I am planning on making the background white and giving myself a Wintery theme.

Once again, my logo is courtesy of South Park Studios.

Sneak Peak

I'm currently making a website. I'm not using any fancy text editor to do the dirty work for me (such as Dreamweaver, Freewebs, or Yahoo), but just plain old Notepad. A lot of people would say that that sounds hard, but it's easier and better in the long run. For example, as long as I pay the server fee, my site won't have ads, I won't have to put anything about "I'd like to thank (blank) for coding my site", and, most importantly, I can make my site look just the way I want it to. (And, of course, I can brag about my mad coding skillz.)

I can't give too much information on it (after all, what's life worth without little surprises?) but I can tell you that it has pictures of Phantom and Christine.

Yup, you guessed right: it has something to do with Phantom of the Opera. It's not a fan site, though...keep guessing! Guess! Guess! Guess!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Post About Thanksgiving

Considering my Thanksgiving was rather low-key and uneventful, how about you see two viewpoints of Thanksgiving in Masquerade World*?

Maya's Skit
(Everyone is in a hustle. Thanksgiving day)

Raoul-(on floor doing 3 piece jigsaw puzzle) Why doesn't the turkey head fit on the pumpkin?!!!

Phantom-Okay, if we add some potatoes, and bread, and cheese, and--(diingdong) That must be the babysitters! (Annabelle, Quinn, and Maya walk in)

Maya-Sheeesh! It's chilly out!

Barney-Oh the weather outside is frightful,

Raoul-But Raoul is so delightful

Both-And Since we've no place to go,
Paint our toes, paint our toes, paint our toes!

Phantom-Break your nose, break your nose, break your nose!


Meg-Huhhh...I knew it'd never work out that they married each other, barbie, and ken....

Phantom-Uhhhhh...(covers up) want to help with some place mats, Maya, Quinn, Annabelle?


Barney-Want to help with the place mat making?

Raoul-Or maybe cookie baking!

Both-And Since we've no place to go...
Watch us pose, watch us pose watch us pose!

Phantom-Stomp on your toes, stomp on your toes stomp on your toes!!!!!


Christine-Uggh, I hate them!

Charlotte-(very cute and shyly, still in Christine's stomach)
I just love my family, (loud)
And Since we've no place to be,
Hug Daddy, Hug Daddy, Hug Daddy.



(M, Q, and A are babysitting Raoul/Charlotte)

Quinn-(listening to music on her ipod. blurts out little bits occasionally. Annabelle is frustrated. Maya is pacing) And when you look at and...............LOOOOOVE YOUUUU!

Annabelle-WHAT THE....(she was apparently sleeping)

Maya-Quinn, I know that you are obsessed with Leonardo Dicaprio, but...turn the music down a bit, and maybe don't think of him so much, especially when--


Maya-Annabelle is--aww, forget it...

Annabelle-Replace Leo with Viktor, will ya???!!!

Raoul-Now, if I put the Turkey head ON the Turkey butt...(working on the jigsaw.)

All 3-RAOUL!!!!!!!!!!!

My Skit

(Christine and Phantom's House- 274th floor, the Kitchen)

Christine- My oh my! You girls DID buy a lot of food for the feast! Just how many people are coming?

Annabelle- Um, 16 or so?

Christine- *sigh* Well, at least we're almost done, as we only have fifteen more minutes until people start arriving. So help me get this giant pumpkin pie in the oven!

All three- (Maya, Annabelle and Quinn) OK!

(Fifteen minutes are up, and Christine, Annabelle, and Maya are setting the table)
Christine- Oh, dear, Maya, can you grab Raoul's booster seat? It in the pantry.

Maya- Surely! *goes and looks for it* Uh, it's not there.

Christine- It must be! Quinn, have you seen Raoul's booster seat? Quinn?

Maya- Oh, dear-

Quinn- (standing on booster seat, holding a megaphone) IT'S 2:00! THOSE LAZY GUESTS ARE 23 SECOND LATE!!!!!! HOW DARE THEY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Maya- Quinn, calm yourself! The guests will arrive shortly.

Quinn- But I don't wanna wait- WOAH!

(The door opens. In comes Meg and Madame Giry. The door opens so suddenly it knocks Quinn off.)

Quinn- Pretty stars!

Christine- Oh dear! Quinn, are you all right?

Quinn- Ugh.....

Annabelle- *pours cold water over Quinn*

Quinn- COLD!!!!!!

(Everyone has sat down to dinner. Phantom is at one head of the table, Christine at the other. Raoul isn't in his booster seat. Besides those three, there are Meg, Madame Giry, Annabelle, Quinn, Maya, Harry, Viktor, and several others)

Phantom- Before we begin, how about we all say what we are thankful for! I'll begin: I'm thankful that Christine dumped Raoul and married me.

Christine- I'm thankful that Maya, Annabelle, and Quinn helped me cook dinner.

Annabelle- I'm thankful that Phantom is letting me do a special "musical performance" with a few others...he he....

Phantom- I never said that!

Quinn- I'm thankful that we invited Vikky!

Viktor- I'm thankful that I'm not sitting next to her. *points to Quinn* or her *points to Annabelle*

A&Q- What?

Maya- I'm thankful that we survived so many other things from our previous skits and adventures!

Meg- I'm thankful that people adore me. I can't help it that I'm popular.

Madame Giry- I'm thankful that people invented swingsets.

Violet- Ding dong, Olaf is dead, Count Olaf is dead!

Klaus- Ditto.

Sunny- Gskljri! (Ditto ditto)

Random Durmstrang guy- I'm thankful that-

Phantom- Hey, we never invited you!

Durmstrang guy- Can I stay? Puh-LEASE?

Phantom- Whatevs.

Durmstrang guy- Yahoo!

Phantom- Raoul, your turn.

Raoul- I don't want to.

Phantom- Raoul, you're being difficult.

Raoul- I'm not thankful for nothing!

Phantom- You're thankful that I'm not strangling you this very moment!

Raoul- No, not thankful for that, either.

Durmstrang- Barney?

Raoul- Nope!

Christine- barbies and bratz?

Raoul- No!

Annabelle- That rock and roll is here to stay?

Phantom- Annabelle, not now.

Raoul- No no no!!!!!!

Quinn- I give up! What about candyland?

Raoul- I can't go to candyland, so, no.

Annabelle- That you have a passion for fashion?

Phantom- Cookies?

Durmstrang guy- Me?

Raoul- What he said!

Dumrstrang- HA! *laughs at phantom* he likes me better than you!

Phantom- your loss.

Narrator- And then the feast went well and uneventful besides an escaping frog, Raoul dancing to "Let's get in started" on the table, Bob, Barbera, and Steve almost being part of dinner and Annabelle suggesting that they all play 7 minutes in heaven.

*"Masquerade World" is the world in which all skits take place in. No matter whether its Egypt, Colonial America, a Good Charlotte concert, or whatever, it's always somewhere in Masquerade World. Most skits, such as this one, are in the capital, Masqeradia. That's what Maya told me, at least.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Clean (Fake) House

Even though there is nothing exciting happening around here, it is my obligation for the month of November to post every day. Therefore, I must post about my day with cleaning-mania.

My grandparents are coming for Thanksgiving, and normally, my mom tries to clean up the house a bit when we have guests. However, it seemed that today was extremely hard and long. That's probably due to the fact that my dad is out of town, and he is the main cleaner-upper. My mom is probably second, then me, then my brother. Trust me, I'm great at keeping my room clean. all the real "cleaning" I have to do is vacuuming. The rest is picking up and restoring the room to its original state. (To put it short, I'm more of an organizer than a cleaner.)

We weren't organizing today. We were cleaning.

I offered to help out with the bathrooms, but I must admit, I'm awful when it comes to cleaning products. "Glass Wipes" and "Surface Wipes" are both just "Wipes" to me, so smart me decided the clean the mirror with a surface wipe and dry it with Kleenex. Ugh.

I did also have to pick up my room, which for as long as it took, I was actually glad that I had the slightest clue what to do. I also love just watching the mess get smaller and smaller until it looks perfect! (For some reason, I prefer to clean my room when it's really messy rather than when it's just slightly messy. It motivates me more.)

On other topics, my friend Maya has probably granted me the "Weirdest Talent" award in the Awards Ceremony in her head. She found out the other day that I could fluently read, write, and translate "chatspeak". Would you like a sample of my mad skillz?

lyk, lol!!!! t4@t 1$ lyk s0 w31rd! 1 6@n @6tu11y typ3 ths p01nt13$$ $tu7! 1m 1337!

Translation- Like, laughing out loud!!!! That is like so weird! I can actually type this pointless stuff! I'm elite!

$tup1d, p01nt1335 t@13nt, 3h?

(Stupid, pointless talent, eh?)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rock and Awe

I attended my first (sort of) concert today.

I'm saying "sort of" because:

1. It took place during 6th and 7th period
2. It was part of the school day
3. Nearly all the lyrics were rewritten to some DARE moral (Not a bad thing)

It was a bunch of police officers in "The Street Fleet". I couldn't help but thinking "Fleet Street", but still, it was pretty cool.

I went kind of insane---shaking my hair back and forth, clapping my hands wildly, squealing, and standing up. A lot of people in front of me were surprised that I wasn't always the neat as a pin, straight-A goody two-shoes. I think a fair bit of perspective was changed today!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Urg! Ugh! Blech!

My oboe seemed to of died on me this morning! Realize that there are 2 levels of freaking out for this situation: there's the age-old "Crud, my oboe isn't working anymore, so let's try and find another one." and "Oh em gee! My oboe isn't working, and that one major Christmas concert is in 22 days!"

Hopefully, the oboe will decide to work again, but worst case scenario? I have three options:

1. Not turn up at the concert and get a bad grade (Not freakin' likely)
2. Learn the parts on the flute and play with the flutes (Not too bad)
3. Learn the parts on the bassoon (I currently know 3 notes)

Then again, the music consists of mainly 6 of seven notes. I have experience with double reeeds....hmmm...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

This may become an obsession...

...bassoon videos! These are a few of my favorites:

Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

Hedwig's Theme

Super Mario

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Halfway Done

Today marks the end of the second full week of NaBloPoMo! I can hardly believe that I'm actually committed to it and haven't slipped up yet. I have made a few late-night posts, but have still gotten them all turned in on time. To celebrate, here's the video of me totally PWNING my swim meet today:

Friday, November 16, 2007

Lost and Found

Good Morning Revival is probably my favorite CD ever.

Which was why I was completely flipping out when I couldn't find it!

I was trying to draw Joel Madden (He ended up looking like Van Gough) when my brother came into my room, glanced at the paper I was copying from, and made some statement about how he should upload GMR on his iPod. I just kind of muttered, "Sure," and finished my drawing.

When cleaning my room the other day, though, the CD and its case were both GONE! I had no idea what could of happened to them, so I soon gave up hunt and decided it would come up one day.

This evening, though, it did come up! My brother had his talent show, and he played Canon on electric guitar. He had a CD accompanist, and after the show, he handed it to me, and I glanced at what it was in. Faintly, behind the CD, I could see "Go Mor R".

I demanded WHAT the heck he was doing with my Cd's, and he just told me to chill. I'm cool with him using my stuff, but it would of been nice to know about.

Now I have the case back. I have five dollars that mike is currently ripping the CD on his iPod and will turn up after he has to borrow space on the disk for his recording.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Swim, Forrest, Swim!

I had my second swim meet tonight, and I left with a lot of a better mood for the season.

For one, I had cut my time by about three seconds. With last night's cut of 10 seconds, I'm really doing good!

But for another, I think I got second or third place. Out of six, three of them who supposedly breathe water or something. My legs were killing me about halfway through my last 25 meters, but I remembered that that was what put me in 6th last time, sucked it up, and sprinted.

Now, I'm really pumped for Saturday's meet! (But then I'll enjoy a non-swimming weekend)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not Sure What To Call This

My friend Karen and I skittled this afternoon. Karen doesn't skittle a whole lot, but she's really good! It's also nice to have a break from romantic drama in the historical skits Maya and I write.

Here's a snippet from "When GC Attacks":

Deano- *hangs out in the back with Paul* This is so stupid....yet so amusing...

Paul- Totally.

Deano-I got 5 bucks on Joel. What about you?

Paul- Oooh, I'm voting Billy. He's a tough little guy...

Deano- He's taller than you!

Paul- Don't rub it in!

Deano-But look how skinny he is! Joel's got huge arms and Billy's got, like, spaghetti noodle arms!

Confused? Be so. This has a really weird plotline.

And no, Billy, we don't really think you have spaghetti noodle arms. Neither does Deano.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

For Maya

"Everybody deep down in their heart likes pointe shoes."

That's what Maya says, at least. She's as obsessed with pointe shoes as I am with Billy Martin. I don't know much about their dynamics, so here is a little chart:

It supposedly has layers of glue, paper mache, and burlap. I don't know. Ask Maya. (Ehem, comments.)

Good night!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Over the past few months, my friend Maya and I have been writing a skit entitled "The Colonial Skit". Soon enough, it got so long, it turned into a full-length play, with two complete acts! Still, whenever we wanted to work on it, we still asked "Wanna skittle?" rather than "Wanna continue writing the play?".

Last night, a huge event in skittling history occurred.

The Colonial Skit was finished.

We have written another historical skit-play, "The Egypt Skit", but it has never been officially published, edited, or put into one email. Therefore, the Colonial Skit has broken several skittling records including:

  • Longest Skit (1852 words long)
  • First Historical Skit
  • First Skit to Include a written, book-form epilogue

We're considering making the skit into a musical (Just putting some music to it when it fits the mood) and, more importantly, a book. We're really excited about all the possibilities that the skit has, and we can't wait to do them!

Then again, Maya and I can't believe that it IS actually over. We kind of miss working on it. Hmmm....sequels, anyone?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Spread the holiday joy...

...but don't get TOO wrapped up in it:

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Don't Interupt me Long

I'm in a really good, intense skittling moment. Want to join it?

Juliet-My sampler is of a snowflake.

Beatrice-Mine is of a grape, see?(holds up a very realistic sampler of a grape)

Joseph-I don't have a sampler.

Scarlett- *is actually working on her sampler because she just figured out how to change colors* I'm not sure what mine is...there's truth yet no logic. (Her sampler is a circle with flowers, animals, and swirling colours)

Juliet-It looks, it' abstract and unique!

Meagan-Hmmph. I don't like abstract things. They should have order, like me.

Scarlett- Thank you, Juliet. I felt like doing something out of the ordinary, rather than a
flower garden.
*glances at Juliet's sampler* My, what a lovely snowflake! I strongly considered doing a delicate...and after all, no two snowflakes are quite alike.

From the Colonial Skit.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Not much time to post, so here's a little picture I made the other day using the South Park Studio.

From left to right: Carlotta, Meg, Raoul, Christine, Phantom, Madame Giry, Firmin, and Buquet. Click to see a full-size picture.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Well, according to Yahoo! weather, it'll be partly cloudy, but that's not the point.

I'm still sorta sick, but I'm really, really, REALLY excited about tomorrow. Yes, even though I will have 4 or 5 tests in school. A day full of tests for me is actually kind of nice, because it keeps the day rolling and by the end of the day, all the tests will be DONE! (A very encouraging thought)

But the main part I'm excited about is the afternoon. Right after school gets out, I'm going to have my very first bassoon lesson! For those who don't know what a bassoon is, it is an eight-foot long red instrument in which some of the Winnie the Pooh music is played on. It looks like this:

I've been dreaming to play bassoon since the fifth grade, and now is finally my chance! I've been playing the oboe in middle school band, and I can only get a sound out of a double reed. I tried flute and I tried saxophone. Both were incredibly hard for me. When I tried the double reed with the oboe, it was perfect. Double reeds rock!

After my bassoon intro, I'm going to rush over to my old school to audition for a drama/academic team my math teacher last year is running. It's called Odyssey of the Mind, and basically, you're given a problem that you solve by writing an original skit, making props and costumes, and performing it. I hope I make it!

Once my day is over, however, I'm spending the night at one of my best friend's house! We're planning on playing our instruments (She plays the flute, so we can play the same music. it's really fun!), making bracelets, eating leftover Halloween candy, playing Playstation, just hanging out, and watching Criminal Minds. We've been planning this for about a week, and I can't wait!

Hey, that's my first full-length blogger post EVER! Hoorah!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I'm Sick

I was home sick today because my throat hurts really bad. I have a headache, and I've spent most of the day cuddled up in bed watching Law and Order and reading, which is not incredibly blog-worthy. But there's my post. Goodbye.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Boring Day

First real post in awhile. Hoozah!

My friend Katherine left today, so I was late for school because I wanted to say goodbye to her at 9 this morning. However, my dad made pancakes for breakfast, we got to sleep in, and all was good.

Because I was absent yesterday, I ended up with a bunch of homework, most of which I'm still working on. My list is:

  • 6 literature questions
  • Several vocabulary words to define and my thoughts about a biography on Elanor Roosevelt
  • A section in geography to read
  • A few notes about Russia
  • A PE current event summary
  • Studying 2 PE vocabulary words (Actually, memorizing word-for-word)
  • A concept map, 8 vocabulary questions, 10 multiple choice, and 6 free-answer questions for science
  • A double-sided science sheet

Currently, I've scratched 3 items off the list. Only 5 more to go *whootwhoot* The bad part is, I'm really tired....ugh.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Hopefully you've caught on to my titles

Well, actually, today is the last day I'll have to put close to nothing in my blog post. To make this NaBloPoMo worthy, I'll post everything I did this morning:

-I played DS for about an hour (Nintendogs, Wild World, Harvest Moon, Zoo Tycoon, and WarioWare to be exact)
-I woke up at around 6:30
-I ate three mini packs of peanut M&Ms
-I also ate about two Reese's.

My mom told me to blog about my interesting life. Doesn't sound to interesting, does it?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

See past two posts for title

It's either 10 or 11 (stupid Day light savings time), and I don't have much to post. Here's my day:

  • I had pnacakes for breakfast
  • I watched Playhouse Disney for about 3 hours
  • I walked the dog
  • I played waaaay to much GameCube
  • I ate me some chocolate

There, NaBloPoMo, there's your stupid post. I'm going to bed.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Short and To The Point

Hey, peoples!

I can't make this very long (nor will my posts be long for the next few days) because my friend Katherine came over for the weekend. We're watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and will probably watch many more movies as well as making time for knitting, reading, and just hanging out. I'll still do my NaBloPoMo, but they won't be long or interesting for a couple days.

In other news- I'm seeing my invisible* friend Maya this December! I told her and her friend Quinn today over the phone, and she completely FLIPPED out. We're so excited and are planning a sleepover with Quinn, a late-night-take-shifts costume-making night, and performing skits. We can hardly wait!

*I consider Maya my invisible friend because we've never seen each other, and the only reason we know each other is because Maya' mom is on the same message board as my mom. We're nearly twins and have only known each other for a few years!

Runnin' Short on Time

Woah, if tHIS is the NabloPoMo pressure, I don't know if I like it. However, I decided that you guys can enjoy stuff I enjoy. So watch the music video to my favorite song.


(I just LOOOVE when Joel grabs the rose and it turns black. Soooo dramamtic)

Good night!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fort Knox

It's priest,
Have a little priest.
Is it really good?
Sir, it's too good, at least.

For the last few months, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street has been my favorite musical. Old-time readers of my mom's blog will know that when I like a musical, I usually dress up as a character for Halloween. When I was 10, it was Rumpleteazer from CATS, and this year, I decided to be Mrs. Lovett, Todd's pie-making partner in crime. I didn't have anyone to go out with, though, so I asked my friend Matthew if her was interested in trick-or-treating with me. he declined until I found out he didn't have a costume. I told my mom, and after about 10 minutes of brainstorming, came up with a couple ideas:

  • Black-eyed P (Yes, P, not pea)
  • Game show contestant (OK, that was Matthew's idea)
  • Ultra Ordinary Boy

And finally, our last suggestion was for him to wear black pants and a white shirt, allow us to get some ribbon for suspenders and a fake razor, and be a five-minute throw together Sweeney Todd. He loved the idea, and a few days later, got this as a product:

We also got in the spirit to dress up my dog, Ginger. Chicken pot pie, anyone?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sort of having trouble

For the past few months,I've been working on re-writing Broadway show tunes to fit the fourth Harry Potter book. Everything was well and dandy until I realized something---Viktor and Hermione (The characters mainly focused on because I'm a hardcore V/H supporter) don't really work out. Sure, I can alter the story to my liking (After all, I'm including parts from books five and six), but I wish I could stick to the plot line as much as possible. I also want to do songs that are somewhat age appropriate, so no "You're the one that I Want" for a romance song. I DO want some scenes to be a bit alternative, like the Yule Ball, but most scenes are going to mostly stick to events in the book.

So far, I have:

- I Just Can't Wait to Be King (Just Can't Wait to Win This Thing, Viktor's duet with Ron)
- Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee (and the reprise; Look at me, I'm Hermy G/Hermione)
- Lovely Ladies (The photo shoot and Weighing of the Wands- Triwiz Champions)
- Lullaby of Broadway (Everyone arrives at Hogwarts, Lullaby of Hogwarts)
- The Morning Report
- Food, Glorious Food (Hermione's song; S.P.E.W, Come and join SPEW)

Got any other suggestions? I'm looking for a fun, bouncy duet for the Yule Ball, and other suggestions from other Harry Potter fans. I'd really appreciate any suggestions!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

More Skits

Ever since I posted those smaller skits, I got in the mood to post more skit related objects. So here, read part of one of my skits, The Annie Horror Picture Show.

(A stormy hill with a large, dark tower appears. It is a winding path up to the front gate. Viktor Krum is caught in the storm and thinks that after what he's been through, a dragon, rapid mermaids, the Imperious curse, and insane fan girls, he could survive a night or two in the tower. He knocks on the door and goes inside.)

Phantom- *at organ* Hey, will one of three get the door?

Annabelle- *turns into a bat* Sure. Wow, I really love this place you let us stay in, phantom.

Phantom- Anytime. Now get the door, please.

Annabelle- Aye aye! *Flies down to the door*

(It is now a long, dark corridor)

Annabelle- Whoooo gooooes theeeeerrrrrre?

Viktor- Um, me.

Annabelle- Do you consider this wise, boy? Coming into a haunted tower?

Viktor- Are there fan girls?

Annabelle- Yes.

Viktor- *moment of thought* nope, I consider this very unwise.

Annabelle- correct. Follow me for more unwiseness.

Viktor- All right. (In head- Oh drat, what have I gotten myself into now?)

(Viktor is lead to the same organ room. Phantom, Maya, and Quinn are awaiting to
see who it is)

Phantom- Well?

Annabelle- 'Tis none but Viktor Kru-

Quinn- EEEEKKK! VIKTOR! *Hugs Viktor and doesn't let go*

Viktor- Why me? Why, why, WHY me?

Annabelle- *turns back to human and tears Quinn off* He's MINE! I saw him first!

Phantom- Girls! You'll have to share!

Viktor- Phantom, I thought you cared!

Phantom- Oh, did I just do something bad?

Viktor- Sorta. *shakes Quinn off*

Phantom- Sorry.


(A beautiful lady with pale skin, a white dress, a veil, and dark, curly brown hair enters the tower. She looks haunting.)

Christine- Geez, it's cold out there! If only Raoul didn't decide to take a healthy walk instead of taking the carriage. Speaking of, where is Raoul?

(Raoul is creeping up behind Christine. He is also pale.)

Raoul- BOO!

Christine- Oh, there you are, Raoul. Good thing Phantom built his summer home here, or else we would have frozen.

Raoul- If he'd moved to Hawaii, we wouldn't freeze anyway!

Christine- Whatever. Let's go greet them. (They try and find their way)


(Everyone else makes their way into the castle, Raoul is eating a sandwich. They are in the organ room, holding Annabelle and Maya back.)

Phantom- Well, I'm going off to find some more pillows. Taa taaa! *goes out for five seconds* Waaaaait and minute! Where are my keys!

Raoul- *crying* Me ated them!

Phantom- Raoul!!!! Wait, calm down Erik. All right, we're all stranded, Violet doesn't have the right stuff to make an invention quite yet, so we're all locked in here for a month or two. We have plenty of food and junk to eat
and drink, and pillows in the basement along with blankets. Everyone calm?

Crowd- Yes!

Viktor- No!

Klaus- As I read in your book, you're supposed to be unafraid of everything. What's
gotten into you?

Viktor- If you had rabid fan girls, you'd be like this, too.

Klaus- Oh, so THAT'S it! Maya, would you please help Viktor out?

Viktor- *hopeful smile*

Maya- Oh, all right. *grabs a picture from corner* Oh Quiiiiiiinnnnnn! Oh
Annabeeeeeelllllllleeeee! Lookie what I got! (It's an arrange of photos of Viktor Krum)

Annabelle- Oh, 7 Viktors at ONCE! *jumps off Viktor and pushes Quinn to side*

Quinn- NOOOO! Gimme, gimme, GIMME!

Maya- Go and get it! *throws photo down the stairs*

A&Q- OOOOHHHHHH! *they run down the stairs, unaware that they are running on a

Viktor- Thanks.

Maya- Anytime.

Phantom- AHEM!

Maya- Yes, Phantom dearest?

Phantom- so, are we all calm?

Crowd- Yes!

Phantom- Good. Now, the rest of you sneak past Annabelle and Quinn to the basement.
You'll get blankets and pillows and set the tower rooms up. Viktor, come with me.
You'll probably want a hidden room.

Viktor- Oh, yes I would. *shivers*

Phantom- All righty. Maya, could you grab and extra set from the basement?

Maya- surely! *rushes down*

Phantom- Thank you. Now, this way, please....*leads Viktor up a winding staircase*

(Everyone has their rooms set up and arranged just like when Phantom invited them all to his lair hotel, but Viktor's room is nowhere to be seen. It's at the end of the hallway, behind a painting.)

(Dinnertime. It's a long, dark dining room with a huge table and regal dark oak wood chairs. Raoul has a booster seat and plastic over it.)

Phantom- (At head of table) Well, since we are locked in here *glares at Raoul* I couldn't order pizza. On the other hand, I did manage to-


Phantom- Too bad. Well, Sunny decided to help me out, and we decided to do our very our buffet for Chinese carryout! Complete with boxes and little cookies. So come on up and get something!

(Everyone goes through the buffet that is laid out on the table. They fill their tall crystal glasses with water.)

Raoul- But....there's no pretty pictures on this! It's not even plastic! I want a
plastic cup with a kitty cat on it!!!!!! *shatters glass*

Phantom- Raoul, you BETTER not throw a fit at this dinner!

Raoul- Try and stop me! *goes on floor kicking and screaming*

Phantom- *trying to me mature and calm* All right, maybe we should stop the entree and eat our fortune cookies, shall we?

Crowd- Sure.

Phantom- All right...*everyone cracks their cookie open* anyone want to share their cheap yet so mystical fortune?

Klaus- I will. *pulls fortune* "You will learn that learning is learniful" Hey, who wrote this?

Raoul- MEEEE! *looks proud*

Klaus- Um, swell.

Violet- "Invent a happy song to be a happy person."

Sunny- Gediasasierufdadk! ("Biting is bad." Hey!)

Maya- "You will learn to appreciate a vicomte's good looks." Well, that's a rip-off.

Quinn- "You shall never get Viktor but shall be content with a guy named Hector." WAAAAHHHH! *runs off crying*

Annabelle- "You shall also never get Viktor but shall love Ricktor." Ricktor isn't even a name! *follows Quinn, crying*

Viktor- "you shall be surrounded by your public fans at all hours." Oh, great, JUST what I needed!

Christine- "You simply must like the writer of this note and not some guy in a mask." How rude!

Meg- "We with therefore cast you as the pageboy and put me in the role of countess." Ugh....

Mme. Giry- "My salary is due." Hey, this isn't a fortune!

Harry- "You will eat pie in five hours." Hey, that's fine with me!

Ron- "You have ugly hair (Unlike mine)." I do not!

Lydia- "You will have an urge to eat purple olives." Ew!

Hermione- "All people will learn how to pronounce your name, Herm-i-won." Cheap!

Phantom- "If these fortunes are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur." That's my line!

Raoul- "You are a stupid vicomte who cares only for his petticoat and hair. And his frocks and dresses." I didn't write that! Who did it? I'm so offended!

Phantom- Sorry, I couldn't resist!

Raoul- Uh! It takes time to keep my dresses in good shape!

Phantom- Dinner is over. Everyone leave! Now! Go!!!!!!!


(Annabelle is prowling the hallways. She is in a white, torn and stained gown, beat up black slippers, a torn veil, and has had extensions. Her hair is looks black. Her skin in pale.)

Annabelle- Oooh, ooh, ohh....

Viktor- *wakes up and opens door to see who it is* Who, what, when, where?

Annabelle- Ooh....*takes Viktor's hand*

Viktor- No, thank you, I'll be going- (Annabelle has a very strong grip. He is lead up to the highest tower where you see phantom at an organ.)

Annabelle- (hoarse voice) Let the music begin!

Phantom- Yes, of course. *almost hits keys of organ.*

Annabelle- *dances with Viktor*

Phantom- *Hits keys. Instead of dramatic music starting, he hears baseball field music. Doesn't stop for a few minutes.* wait a minute, THIS isn't how I left my organ! *face turns red* RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLL!!!!!!!

Raoul- Yeeeees?

Phantom- Time out chair. NOW!

Raoul- *pitches temper tantrum* I hate you! I don't wanna go to time out chair!!!!!!

Phantom- Don't make me do it by force! Go to the time out chair, or else!

Raoul- Or else, WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!?

Phantom- *hangs Raoul's fairy princess costume over the fire* Or else you'll never be Tinkerbell again!

Raoul- NO! My costume!

Phantom- DO IT!

Raoul- FINE! *sits in time out chair*

Annabelle- *fake hair color, extensions, voice box, and shoes fall off to show her real her. Her gown and veil sag off, reveiling Annabelle in her pajamas.* *looks at Viktor* ha, ha, hi....

Viktor- *turns and heads towards room*

Phantom- Well, I'm done for today. Come on, Raoul, you can have your costume back. Annabelle, it's past your bedtime.

Annabelle- Yes, phantom....

Phantom- and past YOUR bedtime, Raoul.

Raoul- (In Tinkerbell outfit) Already? But I'm not sweepy! I'm not sweep-*falls asleep on phantom's foot*

Phantom- (Stuck) Nice.

(It is breakfast time. Same dining hall, a bit lighter)

Phantom- Same story as last night. Cereal buff. i think you people can manage to understand how to work it.

(Everyone grabs cereal stuff. Raoul looks deep in his personal box of Lucky Charms.)

Raoul- There's....there's no prize in this cereal box!

Christine- Too bad.

Raoul- I wanted the Mickey Mouse toy! RAOUL WANT TOY! *grabs everyone else's cereal. He tears the box, sees if there's a prize, and chucks the empty box over his shoulder. They all land on Viktor.*

Viktor- That was bond to happen someday. (Hit in the face with a grapefruit) So was that. (Same with a melon) and that. (watermelon) And thaaaa....*faints*

Phantom- stop this madness! There's a huge pile of cereal and a mess of fruit that Raoul oh-so rudely threw on Viktor. Who's still hungry?

crowd- Not me, I'm full....(so on and so forth)

Phantom then let's leave the mess for a minute and talk of our troubles here. Viktor, you go first. But we must express ourselves creatively, so please sing your feelings.

Viktor- *flicks a speck of grapefruit from his eyebrow and begins* "Nobody likes me, *glares at Raoul*
Everyone one hates me. *Annabelle and Quinn look shocked.*
I don't like my only fans." *glances* "except Hermione."

Phantom- Very well said. Does anyone have any ideas for making our little tower less of a torture chamber and more of a, um, non-torture chamber?

Annabelle and Quinn- *exchange glances and smile. Raise their hand*

Phantom- Yes?

A&Q- Ahem!

"Prima donna,
Dear Viktor on the stage,
your devotes are on their knees to implore you." *they get on their knees*
"Can you bow out when they're shouting your name?"

Crowd- VIKTOR!

A&Q- "Think of how they all adore you.
Prima Donna, enchant us once again!
Thing of your muse,
And of your queues round the theatre!
Can you deny us the triumph in store?
Sing, Prima Donna once !" (shoving Viktor onto head of table as a stage.)

Viktor- I really don't sing- (hit in back)
"Prima donna your song shall live again
You took a snub but there's a public who needs you!
Think of their cry of undying support !
Follow where the limelight leads you!

Prima Donna your song shall never die,
You'll sing again, and for unending ovation!
Think how you'll shine in that final encore!
Sing, prima donna, once more!"

Annabelle and Quinn- Who'd believe us divas happy to relieve our Viktor Krum
Who's been target of the patron?
Raoul and the soubrette, entwined in toy's duet!
Although he may demur, getting a toy will occur.
Christine must be protected!
Non ancor abbandonata!
You'd never get away with all this in a play,
but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue
it's just the sort of story audiences adore, in fact a perfect opera!

Whole room- Prima donna the world is at your feet!
A nation waits, and how it hates to be cheated!
Light up the stage with that age old rapport!
Sing, prima donna, once more!

Raoul- So, it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met,
a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!

Room- Once more!

Viktor- You know, I feel a lot better now. But with me and my lacking of opera knowledge...what's a Prima Donna, anyway?

Annabelle- a person who sang before Madonna.

Viktor- You sure?

Annabelle- No, but who cares?

Maya- Annabelle! How could you not care! *clears throat* Prima Donna: A singular noun for a first or principal female singer of an opera company. a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience. It originated from Italy, where it began as first lady. The words began from prime and duenna. Last but not least,prima is the feminine version of the Italian word primo, which means first, combined with donna, which means lady. So there you have it. Any questions?

Crowd- *speechless*

Viktor- Ew, you two called me a SOPRANO?

Maya- They did, because as we know, Carlotta was the Prima Donna and she as the leading soprano for five seasons. Don't worry, Viktor. I know tons of guys who are sopranos who are your age. I mean, they're just......12 years younger than you are....

Viktor- *groans*

Phantom- All righty, I think we're all settled with our problems. Anyone have anything else they need to talk about?

Raoul- I didn't get a prize in my cereal box! sing me a song for that!

Phantom- No, thanks. We'll pass. Breakfast is over; everyone, back to your rooms! I did a little remodeling, so now it's a giant dorm with each of you getting your same room. It just has a big parlor in the middle.
(In the girl's dorm)
Annabelle- Whew! I really nailed that song, didn't I?

Meg- *giggle* Yeah, you did. Did you see Viktor's face when he realized he was being called a soprano? THAT was priceless.

Hermione- Yeah, that song was great!

Quinn- We really did sing it well. We got a bit shaky with "Entwined in toy's duet" but we wanted to get the pictures of getting the bobblehead and throwing fruit more than....what's in the real lyrics.

Christine- True.

Mme. Giry- Girls! are you gossiping?

Meg- No, mom, we're just talking.

Mme. Giry- All right, I'm off to the poll room. Phantom promised me a round of best two out of three!

Meg- Cool! (her mom leaves) Hey, let's gossip!

Annabelle- Raoul's so weird. So is Harry, sometimes.

Hermione- He has his moments, I agree.

Maya- Did you see Paris Hilton's new outfit? Talk about cute!

(They all talk)

(In the guy's dorm)

Viktor- It's like they're always staring at me. They never go away. It's really creepy.

Harry- Ick, sounds awful.

Klaus- That was me with Count Olaf, except he wanted to murder me.

Ron- Not good.

Raoul- *holding Barbie* Does Wendy's hair look prettyful enough?

Ron- Nobody cares, Raoul.

Raoul- Yay, she's so pritty! I'm going to dress just like her! *grabs suitcase and heads towards dressing room)

(They talk for a few more minutes)

Harry- I really wonder what Raoul meant when he said he wanted to-

Raoul- SUPRISE!!!!! (He's in a Cinderella dress, a Cinderella wig, and has a lot of blush and mascara on. He's also wearing cheap high heels) Who will be my Prince charming, hmm? Ah, you! *points at Viktor*

Viktor- And when I thought my problems were over with....*shudders and runs to room. Locks door*

Friday, August 24, 2007

Skittler, noun, one who writes skits for fun or profit

My friend Karen just wrote her first two skits. I wrote two to get her started, one of Billy martin and I and one of Joel Madden and her. (They are simple 2-character shorts, but they are rather funny)

Here are mine:

Billy- *pout on his face, head lowered-Doesn't anybody love me? Anybody like me? I'm over here, poor neglected me

Annabelle- *runs over and hugs Billy* Everyone else can have Joel!

Annabelle- Oh, yeah, and have this! *pulls out 25 cent plastic ring*

Annabelle- *on one knee*-will you marry me William Dean Martin, hottest guy in Good Charlotte in my opinion?

Billy- Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh...

Annabelle- I'll throw in wedding fees.

Billy- Done!

Karen- *clear throat* Ah-he-HEM! Joel Reuben Madden, would you take I, Karen, to be your wife?

Joel -Well, I don't know....I'm already engaged to someone who has been in jail several times, done drugs and made me dye my hair like Cruela deVil....*sobs* MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!!!

Karen- Never fear! I can color your hair in black washable marker until we can get you to a beauty salon and you can get your lovely hair back to the original shade. My treat.

Joel- Really? That's so nice! Nicole would have made me pay for it.....*clears throat* Karen, do you take me, Joel Madden, to be your husband?

Karen- Let me think about it....hmmmm.....OK!

And here are Karen's:

Joel-Okay, ladies calm down. I'm going to pick one of you out of the crowd to come and ask me one question eeny meani miney mo(after he says all that)!

Karen- yes!

Joel- what's your name?

Karen- Karen

Joel- what's your question?

Karen- *on one knee, opens little box with 25 cent rig inside* Joel Madden, will you marry me? The ring is gold

Joel- *picks up ring* this is plastic

Karen- I was on short notice. Anyway Do you except?

Joel- Uhh...

Karen- I can cover everything for the wedding! I'll even buy you a real ring for the wedding!

Joel- Done!

Girls in crowd- Nooo!!!

Me- Yay me! *claps hands like London and throws arms around Joel and gives him a big bear hug*

Joel- Wow, who knew I was so loved?

Billy- Hey does anyone want my autograph? *hears girls chanting Joel* I guess nobody likes me...

Annabelle- I do Billy! *runs under safety bar and races over and hugs Billy* I love you!

Billy- Yay! I'm loved by someone!

Annabelle- Can I ask you a question?

Billy- Sure

Annabelle: *down on one knee, takes out box with plastic ring inside* Will you, Billy Martin, marry me?

Billy- uhhhhhh....

Annabelle- I'll cover the wedding plans. I'll even let you draw a big cartoon posters to hang up at the wedding!

Billy- Oh my god! YOU GOT YOURSELF A DEAL, GIRL!!!!

Annabelle- Yay me! and Billy! *trys to hug Billy and pick him up and is too short* uhh, a little help please?

Billy- oh, sorry! *Billy picks up Annabelle and swings her around*
Annabelle- WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Random girl- Hey look! It's Billy!

Annabelle- Oh no!

Billy- *GASP* Danger is a foot! Quick! To the Billymobile! Away! * grabs Annabelle and takes off running*

*James bond music starts playing*

Personally, I like hers better--- and it's her first try!

I'm looking forward to seeing more of her work, because personally, I think it's downright hilarious.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

We're baaaaaack!

I'm finally back from my Florida/Alabama trip! You might think that I'd be posting about what I did and stuff, but I'll leave that to my mom....*snickers*

What I AM going to post about it what my aunts and I discussed the night before we left: the top 5 hottest celebrities. (Aren't I SUCH a dork?)

Well, here's my list:

5th Place

Matthew Lewis (or Neville Longbottom) is one of my favorite Harry Potter actors. He plays the part really well, and his hair is nice. :)

4th Place

Orlando Bloom is probably one of those few celebrities in which it seems EVERYONE seems to like. I'm a big fan of his hair. (and eyes, and smile....)

3rd Place

Joel Madden has an amazing voice, and according to zillions of fans and other resources, is really sweet. He's also apparently vegetarian, and he's funny. What's not to love?

2nd Place

Billy Martin nearly won 1st place, but someone else beat him out by just a tiny bit. He kind of has this sort of charm that only some people can see....but besides that, he's vegetarian, loves animals, and is a talented musician. GO BILLY! (I'm planning on being him for Halloween, by the way.)

Drum roll please! *drums in background*

1st Place

Stanislav Ianevski beats out Matthew, Billy, Joel, and even Orlando! Admit it. You like him, too. (People who have seen either Goblet of Fire or Hostel 2 should recognize him- he plays Viktor in GOF and Miroslav in Hostel)

Go ahead and comment on my top five- and maybe even post yours! I triple-dog dare ya.

Monday, July 9, 2007

She who has not posted in forever

Ugh, I would have dearly loved to post more often, and I can't say there isn't anything to blog, but I can't think of what I've been doing! So I'll just say this.

1. Ginger (my very adorable dog) is currently asleep on the bed
2. I've been having all these weird dreams about Billy Martin
3. I've found myself obsessed with small rooms and less furniture
4. I'm running out of things to list
5. I can't seem to stop listing stuff as it's so addictive
6. I will be ending this blogger post
7. Now.

Friday, June 29, 2007

My Logo

I was headed off to Spouth Park Studio when a popup from the site came up. First detailing all the new stuff that had been added, I then read that the owner of the site isn't happy with all the people who create a characte and then claim it as their own. Thinking of my adorable SP person on my blog, I'd like to show you where my uber-cool logo was made:

Click here and create a South Park person

And yes, I know I posted that site's URL twice in this post.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Everybody Look Left

Last winter, I joined a weekly theatre group in Louisville called Broadway Bootcamp. Everyone who worked there had professional theatre experience (one even understudied on Broadway), so there was a lot of expertise floating about. There were classes in dance, singing, and acting, and at the end of the day, we put all three together to work on our "open classroom", which would be at the end of the program to show our parents what we learned.

This summer, I signed up for the 2-week season. Instead of various songs for the shows that would be performed by Music Theatre Louisville, we focused on the lion King, as the national tour had stopped in Louisville for about 6 weeks. We also did a song from Barnum for good measure.

The finished product ended up being incredible, and we performed it on Sunday night, right before the amphitheatre's showing of Hello, Dolly!. One neat effect of doing songs from one show is that we could put them in order and act out major scenes, so it was almost like a miniature version of Lion King.

My five minutes of fame (which was actually quite some time) was when I played Rafiki in the scene where Rafiki tells Simba to go back to Pride Rock, become king, and face his uncle. I was a bit worried about it, though, because it kept changing! I did end up performing it correctly (I think.)

By the way, I found these videos on YouTube. You should watch them.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Past My Curfew

I went to my first late-night party last night.

I wouldn't call it a late-night party, though. It lasted until 11 at night, it was girls only with only about 6 guests, and everything was pretty casual. Besides that, I had a great time.

It was held by my friend Briley (I really wish I knew how to spell her name) and consisted of Singstar, Air hockey, DanceDance Revolution, and eating. We made the Rice Krispie Treats from scratch and tried to beat one another at the various games. DDR and SS were pretty calm, but Air hockey became downright vicious--it was common for the puck to fly right off the table! Despite that, everyone was having fun with it.

Although I did win a fair share of the DDR songs, I must admit I'm pretty awful at SingStar, which of course made it so much more addictive. I sang "I will Survive" once, and ended up singing "Boys and Girls" by Good Charlotte until I memorized it. (Of course, I probably would have gotten a better score if I wasn't continuously saying, "Oh, look, it's Joel!" "BENJI!" "There's Billy again!!!!")

The party was a blast, and a great way to celebrate something Briley probably didn't plan-----

The 15th was William Dean Martin's 26th birthday! (Better known as Billy Martin to most)

Happy Birthday, Billy!

(Here's Billy's Wikipedia Page, by the way.)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Random Pictures I like

The title says it all.

Kitten in marshmellows!!!!!

Who doesn't love hamsters?

MORE hamsters!!!

Kittens at a sleepover!!!!!!

He has a flavor!

I love hedgehogs. So adorable!

He must be comfy...*cough*

What a heroic kitty. :)

A hamster out to lunch? LOVE!


Yeah, you made bunny cry! How mean.

Yez it kan B hugz tiem now pleez!

I wonder how they got them to pose like that...


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Got Hats?

Let's get one thing straight.

I like hats.

Odd thing is, even though I like hats a lot, I don't own zillions of them. In fact, I have five.

One baseball-like hat my brother gave me. (No photographic proof of this hat exists)

One bucket hat I bought in Germany at Wal-Mart. (Again, no photographic proof)

ANOTHER baseball-like hat that I found at a grocery store in Germany when I came to visit during the World Cup:

A newsboy like hat I bought back last November:

And my latest hat, a straw bucket hat with a bow. I think it's rather cute:

Oh, but the fun does not stop at me! Check out my brother's mad headgear:

My mom's fine hat:

And some Derby hats!

Don't forget Pellet!

AAAAAAAND....Deana's spiffy hat! (Knitted by my mom)

And hats for pets!

One hat! Two hats! Red hats! Blue hats! Old hats! New hats! The man in the yellow hat! The Cat in the Hat!

Some find joy in socks, but I find joy in hats.

Where's the blogger post for that?