Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not Sure What To Call This

My friend Karen and I skittled this afternoon. Karen doesn't skittle a whole lot, but she's really good! It's also nice to have a break from romantic drama in the historical skits Maya and I write.

Here's a snippet from "When GC Attacks":

Deano- *hangs out in the back with Paul* This is so stupid....yet so amusing...

Paul- Totally.

Deano-I got 5 bucks on Joel. What about you?

Paul- Oooh, I'm voting Billy. He's a tough little guy...

Deano- He's taller than you!

Paul- Don't rub it in!

Deano-But look how skinny he is! Joel's got huge arms and Billy's got, like, spaghetti noodle arms!

Confused? Be so. This has a really weird plotline.

And no, Billy, we don't really think you have spaghetti noodle arms. Neither does Deano.

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