Monday, September 7, 2009


I realize I haven't blogged in forever, and I do feel guilty. I've had several things that I've meant to post but have largely forgotten. I miss having my big archive.

So let's just go over this weekend.

Friday- Nothing happened on Friday, really. Fort Knox had a football game, which we lost (but scored a nice 36 points, which is a record for us) and I went to. Hung out with some of my freshman friends, who I never see anymore.

Saturday- Amanda's Quincenero!

Amanda and dad






I know, I need more practice with a camera. Still a lot of fun!

Sunday- Homework day. Blergggg.

Monday- A little more homework and then messing around with my theatre makeup:

Took about an hour to put on, five minutes to take pictures, and ten minutes to take off. Pretty happy with the result.