Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Boring Day

First real post in awhile. Hoozah!

My friend Katherine left today, so I was late for school because I wanted to say goodbye to her at 9 this morning. However, my dad made pancakes for breakfast, we got to sleep in, and all was good.

Because I was absent yesterday, I ended up with a bunch of homework, most of which I'm still working on. My list is:

  • 6 literature questions
  • Several vocabulary words to define and my thoughts about a biography on Elanor Roosevelt
  • A section in geography to read
  • A few notes about Russia
  • A PE current event summary
  • Studying 2 PE vocabulary words (Actually, memorizing word-for-word)
  • A concept map, 8 vocabulary questions, 10 multiple choice, and 6 free-answer questions for science
  • A double-sided science sheet

Currently, I've scratched 3 items off the list. Only 5 more to go *whootwhoot* The bad part is, I'm really tired....ugh.

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