Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Saturday

Yesterday, it began snowing really hard. It continued snowing off and on all night, but this morning, it was freakishly deep.

Katie and I had an "Epic" snowball fight with her brother, his friend, and a few other guys around the neighborhood. Later, it just turned into a Survival of the Fittest, with snow being blown RIGHT in your face, kicking snow, whipping scarfs, etc.

Besides that, I did...nothing. I'll have to study for 2 tests tomorrow, clean my room, and practice 3 instruments, but today, it was really nice to have a free Saturday. I haven't had one in 6 weeks.

Ginger especially enjoyed the snow. Here she is in her moment:

(Some of the snow mounds looked like they came out of Nightmare Before Christmas---curly tip and all)

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