Friday, December 5, 2008

This post is rated: PG-13 for mild language

(More warning than witty. If you don't want to see the Alicebelle on rampage, I'd suggest you stop reading.)

I cannot freaking believe this.

My post for today was all planned out perfectly. The day was fine---everything went well, not much homework, HS band practice, etc. We were also supposed to get the call saying if we're moving or not today, and we've been getting conformation left and right for a month, all saying, "You're going to Germany!"

Naturally, I was excited by the idea. I was looking forward to getting the final OK and being able to blog about how I'm excited about taking Ginger to restaurants, how the school has an actual drama program, etc.

Rather, we get a call from my dad, who just got the call. "All set, you're off to Germany?" Nope. Let's reverse this to "You're staying in Fort Knox for a fifth year, and you (meaning my dad) are deploying."

To say it lightly, I'm pissed as hell.

I was looking forward to reinventing myself, as no one would know me in Germany. They wouldn't see the social baggage I've carried for the last three years, all stating something such as "Teacher's Pet", "Dork", or other such tags. I probably wasn't going to be "popular", but I'd slide in and be what an "average kid" actually is.

No. I'm stuck in Hell's Social Life right about now. Granted, I do have friends. I have a couple friends at school, and I have a lot in Youth Theatre.

However, it seems like every summer, my friends from the previous year ditch me. I don't know what it is---maybe they're out of contact. Maybe they've made new friends. Or maybe I'm just not good enough for them anymore, and would just be an embarrassment in their new, "pimpin'" lifestyle.

I'm starting high school next year, and getting into a new school while scrambling to get back onto my feet is not on my top list of priorities. With the military, it seems that if you're new (And pretty/hot/sexy), then you can slide in pretty well. Nobody knows you, so you don't have to try and hide some sort of secret (Such as, if you were a Basket Case/Misfit at your last school) from the world. I'm going to be trying to get back into the regular groove of school life, as well as knowing that I should be in a different time zone by now.

Whoever hoped that I'd stay, I hope you're happy. Because I sure as Hell am not.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Annabelle.....

Princess Katherine said...

Oh, Alicebelle i'm so, so sorry!


I would be pissed as hell too.

i don't know what else to say, besides that if you want someone to talk to, i'm always here.


Anonymous said...

annie, im so sorry! you always have me! i'll never ditch you! i'm here for you. best friends for evah and evah and evah! *virtual batch of cookies*

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry Alicibelle! I know how much you wanted to go back to Germany! I will always be your best friend for life, like it has been since we were 3 and 2!