Saturday, December 27, 2008

Relearning old tricks

Today was a blissful 70 degrees (Why can't the entire Winter be this way?) and my dad decided to pump the unicycles back up, as they were looking rather pathetic. I've gotten tall enough to upgrade to Mike's first unicycle, and so on top of remembering how to ride, I had to learn to balance on the bigger wheel.

Well, I rode it around the soccer field when we took Ginger on her nighttime walk, and I even got to where I can mount by myself. I think I'm going to be doing it a lot more now!


Anonymous said...

That is such a cool skill. I'm glad you're keeping up with it.
Hey--here's an idea: Learn to play your bassoon while riding a uni! (First make sure the bassoon is insured!) It would be a YouTube hit--and might even get you on Letterman.

Alicebelle said...

Good idea! I probably shouldn't use the high school's bassoon, wouldn't be too hard, I don't think, except that I'd have to memorize the music. ;)