Sunday, December 14, 2008

Being accomplished

You know the list I made yesterday? Well, I put it on Remember the Milk, and it looked something like this:

- Blog
- Clean bathroom
- Clean room
- Do laundry
- Put away laundry
- Do algebra homework due Tuesday
- Study for German Final tomorrow

Now, it's been cut down to this:

- Blog
- Clean bathroom
- Do algebra homework
- Study for German final

My bathroom can remain in it's morbid state for another day. My algebra homework isn't due until day after tomorrow, so unless I have time after my studying, then it'll be put off. I'm just about to start studying, and if I go until nine (Taking a melatonin so that I can fall asleep easier) then I'll have an hour and a half of study time done. Considering I'm pulling a high A this quarter as well as last, I think that's good. Actually going to sleep will be even better---I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately.

I'm about to scratch off "blog" now.

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