Thursday, January 24, 2008

We find the defendant...


As I said in my post "To think that I saw it on Mulberry Street", my literature class is doing "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street". Today, we did a mock trial to see if Charlie should go to jail for the death of Pete van Horn. I played Prosecuting Attorney, and last night, my dad gave me some (OK, a lot) of tips and pointers for my case. I walked in the room today with new notes and my mom's black jacket to look all professional.

It was a rather close trial, but the late night paid off! I won the case, because, as the jury put it, "It could have been the President for all I care".

All that Law and Order paid off!


Anonymous said...

And Criminal Minds, too!

Alicebelle said...

Yeah, Criminal Minds, too.

It WASN'T a waste of my time and/or money!