Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rants and Raves

I'm feeling frustrated, so I'm going to rant.

First off- my homework isn't done. We just had a power outage, and only recently have the lights come back on. So much for my hope of going to bed at a semi-decent hour. (The lights just flickered again, actually.)

Second- I'm trying to work on this project for social studies that's due in 2 weeks, and I've found NOTHING. I'm doing a photo album on Thai celebrities. I need at least 10 pictures, and so far, this is what I've found:

-A monk
-A prince
-A king
-A whole lot of strippers (Most of which are wearing bikinis or nothing)

Truth to be told, I've probably found over 20 of those, but I can't imagine getting a very good grade with that, ahem, content. I also have to write a "What I learned" page, and that wouldn't go very well. Most of the people in my group are thriving with tons of pictures (Mainly the one doing animals---Thailand's specialty apparently is having weird animals)

Third- I've recently noticed that a lot of people say "Be yourself to make friends and you'll really fit in." Although it would be great if that worked, it doesn't always. Sometimes "Being yourself" means not watching Disney Channel, not thinking Zac Efron is hot, and thinking tattoos are cool. In that situation, "being yourself", unless you go to Jack Black's School of Rock, doesn't really equal "fitting in just fine". I haven't had many problems recently, but it still bugs me (As you could explain me with the last three definitions).

I've been reading too much American Girl "Susy was an average kid" stuff.

Hmm. 7:50. Homework still not done.



Anonymous said...

You have done a wonderful job on your blog. I love your logo! I am unable to think of any Thai celebs but will keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Famous thighs? That's easy--Tina Turner. But what a weird assignment!

Anonymous said...




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