Saturday, January 5, 2008

Attend the Tale (Again)

After creating that trailer, I've been in a huge Sweeney Todd craze. Mainly because I'm not allowed to see the movie.

However, I remembered the Phantom characters I made awhile ago, so I got bored, and went back to South Park Studios and whipped up this little beauty:

I admit that I photoshopped the Beadle's hair to fit the top hat, and I also did up Johanna's dress to make it a dress and not a belly shirt and a skirt. I still give all credit for the pieces to the creator of the site.

For left to right: Beggar Woman, Sweeney, Mrs. Lovett, Toby, Pirelli, Judge Turpin, Beadle Bamford, Anthony, and Johanna

(I didn't find out until I flattened the image that the "flower" on Mrs. Lovett's shirt is actually a marijuana plant. Oops!)


Anonymous said...

I saw that, but didn't remember Mrs. Lovett having a drug problem! A nice lady like Mrs. Lovett would NEVER smoke pot! ;-)

Good work!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a Canadian maple leaf to me. What concerns me more is all that red stuff on Sweeney's shirt. Did he cut himself shaving?