Monday, January 14, 2008

Fanthom Phrenzy

I actually got to see Phantom last night! It was incredible, and it just made me even more excited about seeing Sweeney in February.

The cast was amazing, and although some scenes were stronger in the movie (Chandelier crash, for example), "Notes", "Hannibal", and "Final Scene" were all to die for. They were incredibly well done, and I was on Cloud Nine the entire time.

After the performance, I got this really nifty Prima Donna shirt. I'm wearing it right now:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Phantom on stage. Some people have all the fun, while I get to paint my house!
You said you were on Cloud Nine. That's an interesting old expression--and very interesting timing: Five days a week I do the Celebrity Cipher in our newspaper. Saturday (the last day it appeared before this morning) it turned out to be a quote from comedian George Carlin: "Cloud nine gets all the publicity, but cloud eight actually is cheaper, less crowded, and has a better view."
Is that synchronicity or what?