Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mamma Mia!

James, Raven, and I went to see Mamma Mia! at the movies today. I hadn't gone to see a movie in theatre since...hmm. Most recent one I can think of is Sweeney Todd, but I may be wrong.

It was actually really cute! Some parts were a little...weird (like the chorus that follows the cast around), but I was kind of expecting that. Overall, I liked it, but have been ABBA'd out for awhile.

Then again, I might buy the soundtrack...


Anonymous said...

I thought it was cute, too. It would've been cuter, though, if Pierce Brosnan hadn't sung. . . . Actually, what he did is what we call yelling. I've been on a real going-to-the-movies-kick lately. In the past two months, I've seen six movies at the theatre. No wonder I have no money. Hahaha! Love, Cinema Ninnema

Alicebelle said...

LOL, which one was Pierce Brosnan? I lost track of nearly all of them by the end.

Anonymous said...

If you like the ABBA sound, you should get their Greatest Hits CD. They did their own songs better than anyone else could.