Friday, August 22, 2008

In the Big Apple

Big Apple Store, that is. I'm here, getting a DVD burned because for some reason, moving a file from Mac to Mac is NOT as intuitive as promised. We can move from PC to Mac, Mac to PC, forwards, backwards, sideways, diagonally...

...but not Mac to Mac.

Normally, I would take a picture of myself blogging from the Apple Store (Taken on my Apple computer), but I'm not sure what type of security issues they have here, and having your Mac confiscated by the Genius Bar wouldn't really be much of a grand old time.

So I'm coding that super-secret website right about now. I've changed the layout AGAIN, but I think I'm going to be able to open it soon. I'm just about starving, and Apple Minutes are longer than Earth Minutes (Or PC Minutes or even Linux Minutes, probably). The time remaining has been "7 minutes" for about 20 minutes, and I'm close to hurling the stupid iMac across the room. Of course, that wouldn't make it finish any quicker, so that probably isn't a good idea.

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