Sunday, May 11, 2008

Still on my laptop

I've recently moved my laptop over to my bedside table. It was cold in the corner where it used to be, and I can pull a blanket out on my bad. It's rather cozy, and I like the setup a lot.

I've spent basically all of today in bed, working on my laptop. I did actually get work done, though: between hands of Solitaire, I finished my dreaded 50-question pre-test. If this thing turns out to be extra credit, though, I think I'm gonna scream. It took me about THREE HOURS. And I still have a few math problems to do, clean my room, and pack up, all in thirty minutes. Better go take my Melatonin now so I can actually go to sleep.

Good thing: I'm going to be bringing my bassoon to school starting tomorrow! I'm playing it at the KY Kingdom concert, so we need to rehearse. I'm really excited, and I think my band teacher is, too: we, by far, have the smallest bass section ever. Heck, in my 2nd period class, I'm the only kid who plays a bass clef instrument. (We have a bass clarinet and a TC baritone, but apparently they read really low treble clef) Other than that, there's two trombones and an electric bass in third period, making four of us bass clef readers in 7th grade. There's about 4 or 5 in eighth, totalling to 8 or 9. Not bad---unless you count that the clarinet section alone is bigger. Not to mention a zillion a one flutes, several trumpets, etc. We're really washed out!

Hopefully, the almighty bassoon will bring some bass-ness and mellowness to the mix. We need some!

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