Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bird Problems

The birds have been getting bigger, and I will admit they're pretty cute now:

There are a few little problems, though.

  • The birds are getting too big for the nest, despite the new wing.
  • The birds are learning to fly, therefore making it nearly impossible to get them back IN the nest when they fall out
  • We're not sure if all the birds are going to accept the new nest we've been preparing for them: a laundry basket with a towel in it.

I just tried to help my mom load the birdies back into their nest, but they just kept flying/falling out the other end. Ugh.

So, if there are any other bird people out there, what would you suggest?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you transfer the contents of the annex to a shallow straw or wicker-type basket, it would seem more like their nest. Shallow and wider would give them more room. Good luck!