Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm a Snowball!

Not literally, but not quiet figuratively either. I finished Animal Farm for my Language Arts class today, and I'm surprised to say it was actually quite good! I compared some people to characters in the book, and I came up with Maya as Clover. I would probably be Snowball, but I don't know.

I was rather impressed with the ending. I liked how it was a blend of Russian history and out-in-the-country England. The way everything seemed to dissolve under the power of the aptly named Napoleon was rather interesting, as was Squealer's little rants and raves. Towards the ending (Starting in chapter seven), I was starting to get annoyed, as this were dissolving a little TOO much. However, in the end, it was all good.

All in all, I'd suggest you read this if you haven't! It's interesting, and the characters are all their furry, possibly tyrant-like way. (Gotta love them Stupid Sheep, though!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)