Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How I spent my sick day: part 3 (but carrying on from part 2)

Today, I believe, is the final installment for whatever cold or fake-flu I have. I'm feeling a lot better, but that didn't come without a couple bumps and bruises (literally).

To start out from last night:

- I hardly ate or drank because it hurt my stomach
- I did the dishes and cleaned my room so I wouldn't feel guilty about it
- I began feeling nauseous and was about to ask my mom to finish them for me
- Rather I just said I'm going to bed...and walked to the stove
- Stood there for a few seconds
- And blacked out
- Hitting my arm on the stove and my tailbone of the floor

I literally thought it was a dream. I had some song from Aladdin in my head (I think it was "Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me" put to the animation for "Prince Ali") and my mom sounded completely distant. I didn't open my eyes immediately, thus seeing more Genie. When she asked what I was doing, I meekly said "...washing dishes" and apparently began crying. It HURT!

So we went to the hospital despite my insistence of just letting me go to bed. We waited for three hours, watching The Biggest Loser, Law and Order SVU (Which was actually hospital related, surprise surprise) and Jay Leno. After another three hours of both treatment and MORE waiting (with an IV in my arm, despite what my mom said that there wouldn't be any needles involved) we left the hospital at 3:20 and were in bed by 3:30.

To put it short, I didn't go to school today.

But I did feel a lot better. Breakfast WAS kind of lunch, as I was asleep when one would normally eat breakfast. But I ate a Popsicle and had a root beer as my "ice and fluids" and my stomach actually didn't hurt as bad. I'm not eating as much as I normally would, but I'm not anorexic. Just not hungry.

So for part three the agenda was:

- Wake up at eleven and sign on to AIM (where I told Aubrey about my Adventures-In-Babysitting-like hospital stay)
- Eat said Popsicle and drink said rootbeer
- Listen to Julie Atherton sing various Avenue Q songs on YouTube

And currently I'm writing chapter two in my fanfiction. I think I'm going back to school tomorrow, in which I need to run to the high school and do my binder check and turn in homework that was due Monday and was gone over today but for certain reasons I wasn't able to. I also get to fill in my lunch group with the various happenings of my week ("You'll never guess what happened to me in the kitchen the other night...")


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your blacking out and your hospital misadventures. I am glad that you are feeling better now. Drink plenty of fluids!

Anonymous said...

DID YOUR MOM TELL YOU I TEXTED HER??!! I was SO worried about you when I heard!!!! I was like "My Annabelle?! My BFF passed out on the kitchen floor??!!! Is she dead?!?!" I'm glad you're okay though! If you had been seriously ill and or injured, I would've been on the next flight to Kentucky! Lots of love!

Alicebelle said...

LOL yeah she did ^^ Kind of wish I had my phone on me but my mom wouldn't let me run upstairs and get it. :::sends lots of love (and a cookie for the heck of it) as well:::

Theresa Smith said...

I'm sorry you had to go through all that! So glad you feel better!

Keep this in mind next time you get sick--drink fluids!!

Anonymous said...

Continue to feel better so you can enjoy your Spring Break and your trip to Florida! I can't wait to see you! Love, Ninny