Thursday, April 17, 2008

This may become a record...

Today we STILL didn't have homework. Seriously. I've never had no homework this long, but I love it. Of course, I'm going to have to bring home my social studies book tomorrow so I can do my map, but I do that just about every weekend. As long as I don't have anything in literature, science, math, language arts (Then again, there probably will be. My class is SO behind in Animal Farm), I won't have anything besides a map of central Africa.

My mural was turned in today. I found out that colored pencils go on basically every surface, so I wound up coloring about half the surfboard I had to make. It was about sentences and punctuation, to be exact. I wound up using my inner tattoo-artist and coming up with a funky design including stripes, spikes, and flames. The title I gave it? "Punk-tuation".

I had my first day of website-working-on in Computer Aps today. I would have probably gotten more done if my friend Kathy wasn't staring over my shoulder at the marvelous HTML code as I edited pages. However, I got about half a page finished, and it was a LONG page! I think at this rate, I'll be able to finish my site by the end of May. Hooray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great title for your mural. I love it.