Sunday, April 20, 2008

Blog365: Day 110

My weekend has been filled with odds and ends. How about yours?

Take yesterday for example. I was talking with Ally on the phone, and we decided we wanted to three-way with Maya. I called Maya on the other line, but alas, she wasn't there. I left a message, went back over to the other line, and continued the conversation.

Imagine my shock when Maya calls back an hour later, saying stuff that Ally and I talked about in our conversation that Maya missed. I told her how deja vu she was being when she broke the news: her answering machine had RECORDED our entire call! She listened to the whole thing! (Thankfully, nobody said anything mean or anything, so it was just a harmless lesson learned: hang up, and then re-call.)

Readers of my mom's blog might know how she's obsessed with the robin nest on our back porch. In fact, she's apparently turned so obsessed, she's gone out and bought a WEB CAM to set up in the backyard to WATCH THE BIRDS 24/7.

Keep in mind that she won't let me use a web cam. Oh, no, I would IM someone weird and then they would be able to track down my address and kill me. She also has signs on the door on both sides requesting, "Please don't disturb the bird!" However, she uses a web cam to SPY on the birds, and if it doesn't work, plans to RETURN THE EQUIPMENT. Therefore, I am very jealous and slightly annoyed that she wants to create the next Pigeon-Kam.

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