Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Feeling Artsy

I've recently been interested in drawing. I've started with some basic drawings, characters from the wolf roleplay I'm on. Here's a not-very-good drawing of my wolf, Hahnee, that I did without a guide (Bad mistake):

I did one of Maya's characters with a guide. It turned out a bit better:

Finally, we had to do oil pastels of an animal in art. I found the perfect picture for a guide, and then drew my first character and yet another one of Maya's characters: Hahnee & Miakoda:

Once I was finished with wolves, I moved onto humans. With my 1900's roleplay, I have a lot of characters to choose from. To start with, I did a basic sketch of Mischa and Gwen, a character of mine and a character of Ally's:

Finally, last night I got serious. I recently joined as a new character, Gal. He's this really gross and *slightly* perverted guy who is actually a ton of fun to write. I had a very clear picture of dear Galhagger in my mind, and I think I portrayed him well on paper:

I think I'm improving. I want to be able to do pen sketches, but I don't think I'm ready for those yet. For now, I'll just work on shading and proportions. My next 'victim': Danika Elya, my very flirtatious (and slightly stubborn) character.


Uta said...

Pssh, Gal is more than "slightly" perverted.

Alicebelle said...

Yeah. JUUUST a little more, though.