Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bassoon Lessoon

Today was yet another bassoon lesson (Commonly referred to as the 'bassoon lessoon'). We did our usual stuff: did a bit in the method book, mostly worked on tone quality and getting the certain notes out. Towards the end, I asked my teacher what 9-8 time even was, as it was coming up on the next page. He explained rather well, and came up with an example: "The Sorcerer's Apprentice":

As he hummed a few measures, I was sort of in shock: THAT'S the song I heard in fifth grade. I had gone all this time thinking it was "The Heffalump Song", when in reality, it wasn't. He assured that "Sorcerer's Apprentice" is a very common bassoon song, so that probably is what I heard.

Now I know the actual title for the song that I want to play. On to 8 Notes!

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