Saturday, May 30, 2009

A spin off of "Name that Tune"

Rather, it's "Name this Cat":

Help? (After "Sweeney" was shot down, I'm rooting for Boris. Suggestions are welcome.)


NOT BORIS said...

DO NOTTT name it Boris!!
You know whyyy??

"....boris MELORIS!"

That would pop into my head every time I even SAW your cat, okay? XD

How about Alonzo? :D just GUESS who wrote this comment? XD
hint:rhymes with papaya

Mimmie Boyd said...

How about Ernest? That would go well with Eddie. Or Johnny Depp?
Gilbert? Thomas?

Uta said...

Name it Orly! 8D

Alicebelle said...


I guess that's what I get for asking the Internet to name my cat XD

maya said...

..Orly? I mean, I know Orlando Bloom is great, but if you would name a cat after him...thats a little creepy. ;)

Matt said...

Since Sweeney was shot down (the name I thought was the best) I think he should be named either Neil or Hugh.

BeaBeeIs...oh, forget it. its Quinn said...

Do NOT name him boris. it reminds me of a song my dad used to sing when i was ten...'s in the room...

Anyway, whenever I was afraid that Caledon Hockley from Titanic would pas de chat into my room with a dead ferret around his shoulder, he would sing a song about Boris the Spider...

BeaBeeHasAStretchyEyelidKitty said...

naming a cat after a celebrity isn't creepy, silly maimai! (unless if it's michael ball or the guy with the stretchy eyelids from the Fairgrounds in Phantom... then again, we don't know his name... who'd name their cat StretchyEyelidKitty? anyways) Especially since Orlando Bloom isn't an arrogant celebrity and endorses global environment protection and creativity in school classes :) plus he has a cute laugh... and no, i would NOT name my cat Robert... teehee, i'm going to call my nasty little cat StretchyEyelidKitty from now on. writing/talking to myself sparks weird yet brilliant ideas for me ;)