Thursday, May 28, 2009

School Countdown: 1 day

I can't believe that I'm actually writing this, knowing that next time I blog (unless I do so at 6:20 in the morning when I'm eating breakfast) I will officially be done with middle school. Like, not just done with that one particular year of middle school. Done as in DONE done.

While at times it has been a really long year, for the most part (and considering the length of a year), it truly has gone by fast. This is one of those times when I'm not getting all sentimental-"Slipping Through My Fingers", though.

Rather, here's a better one:

So to kind of sign off...thank you, readers, for putting up with my rants this year when you probably had better things to do. Be ready for some posts tagged with "Summer"---this is the final "Spring"!

1 comment:

Dad said...

Hope your last day is a good one! Just think in 12 days we are in Jamaica!
Luv ya