Thursday, May 21, 2009

Making my spot in the world

I went to about ten minutes of the final school board meeting today, and they went over the results of the schools for the QAR (some school test-thing that proves that yes, we are a school). I was given a golden ticket forever ago to go and talk to them, and I did. I told them greatly about how there was a rather limited source of different levels of education and that I was typically bored in class.

One of the recommendations for Scott was "provide different education through differentiation." That's me right there, readers!

Upon finding this out, I did the usual victory-slam (like in Mean Girls where one arm is a sling and you fling the other arm into it).

Thing is, the slamming through the other hand/fist up...into my face.

Oh, and my German video got first at State! Mike got second, as we were, again, the only people to do videos. You'd think there would be more Berlin Film-Fest hopefuls in Kentucky.

For those of you who missed my movie, Schwimmen!, here it is:


Dad said...

Way to go Annabelle!
Way to go Mike!
Luv ya both

Mimmie Boyd said...

And what a nice spot in the world it is! Congratulations to you and Mike on your German videos. Both are amazing.