Thursday, October 30, 2008

A day in the sick ward

I was home again today, mostly as a recovery day. I feel much better, and I believe tomorrow (being Friday) is a great day to go back to school.

I spent most of the day lounging in bed with Ginger. We (meaning me) performed several non-demanding tasks, including:

- Editing my Flickr page/deleting old "photos" that are part of the older MTP site design. (If any of you are going through the archives and see a picture missing, please tell me which post it is!)
- IMing Quinn
- Attempting to edit PDFs
- Listening to "Dark Waltz" over and over again for no reason
- Watching Memoirs of a Geisha on YouTube---and having to go to TWO channels, as one cut it off at part seven or nine. It was a high odd number.


Anonymous said...

why did you ONLY do stuff on the computer???? don't you have anything better to do?!?!?!? O_o

Alicebelle said...

I'd usually reply with something witty, but usually that requires the person's name, which I do not have. ;)

Well, Anonymous, if you know of such better things, why are you on the computer, typing your comment?

Anonymous said...

I get on every once in a while, but you seem to be on the computer all the time. O_o

Read a book, draw, play with your pet, do something else for a change! :] Get out in the fresh sunshine and enjoy the simple things in life.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better today.

Anonymous said...

Fresh sunshine? XD Fresh air I can see, but...CAN there be 'fresh sunshine?' *ponders that*

Anonymous said...

i luff Dark Waltz!!!

PS- i am currently bobbing my head up and down, for i tied my hair up in a bun on the top of my head as in "Nice Cinderella" any questions about this, ask mayamai. :D