Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why am I so freaking tired?

I've done nothing active all day. I swear. I've walked the dog, I've cleaned my room, I sorted some catalogs (And read a Pottery Barn Teens one; one can only dream, looking at the huge rooms with fancy furniture), and something rather strange.

I took all of my stuffed animals out of the net and tossed them onto the floor. I then sorted them into separate piles and categories, such as Anteaters, Hello Kitty, Neopets, Diddl Maus, etc.

Once they were all in their neat little piles, I waited a few minutes and admired them. Then, in no order at all, I tossed them all back into the animal nets, keeping the pillows on the bed (I have a lot of little pillows that were up in the net).

Good night.

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