Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Welcoming a New Challenge

I'm currently learning three piano exercises, several sogns, practicing bassoon, and have rehearsal every day for three hours (Soon to become longer). So what do you think I need? A break? Not at all: a completely new task: play, record, and put all three parts of THIS together:

For non-movie watchers, it's an oboe-flute-bassoon trio for "Narnian Lullaby" from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.


Anonymous said...

That's really pretty. I'll bet you can learn to play all three parts. Git 'er done!
By the way, how's the guitar coming?

Alicebelle said...

The guitar? Oh, that...

So-so. I actually haven't picked it up in awhile, and only know a few notes. I can't play chords to save my life, and it's frustrating going across the fretboard. I think I just prefer woodwinds. :D