Sunday, November 1, 2009

It Can't Rain All the Time

So I joined NaBloPoMo in an attempt to re-start blogging. Huh. Let's see how it turns out.

Lately, we've been having some genuinely nasty weather. A nice handful of people believed that Halloween would be rained out, and when it turned out not to, the lines at Wal*Mart and Target were insane with people trying to buy last-minute bags of trick or treat candy.

As it has for the last four years, though, the weather on Halloween Night was fairly decent, not as cold as it could be. This year, I chose my costume a la Brandon Lee from The Crow:

If you understand the title, you'll get the costume and vice versa. For those of you know aren't familiar with the movie, here it is on IMDB.

And here is the song:


Dad said...

Glad you are back.

A Ninny Mouse said...

Yay yay yay!

See if you can guess who this is. (Who else would put an arthur reference in their name? ;] )

Alicebelle said...

Well it's hard for me to tell, but I suppose I could always check my history ;D