Monday, April 13, 2009

A Day with the Presidents

Apparently I had all sorts of projects due tomorrow (or Wednesday, but more or less tomorrow), so that's how I spent my afternoon.

Until about 8:30, I was in Photoshop making an ad for a German clothing store (Kleine Kleider---immer für die Kinder!). Then it was a PowerPoint on Marbury vs. Madison with stick figures in the sense of "Life is Good". Eventually, I'll blog the text and pictures. They're quite cute, I think.

So I didn't get to bed by 10:30, as it's 10 minutes until then. However, tomorrow I'm pretty much guaranteed to, as I won't have any projects, I can spend social studies doing any homework I have, etc.

Time to send in my social studies and pack up my german!

1 comment:

Dad said...

Dedication.....looking forward to seeing your new artistic wonders.