Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Daniel Plainview, the house is on FIRE!"

With apologies to Paul Dano/Eli Sunday, but I'm glad I caught your attention.

I typically hate throwing out that I like getting comments on my posts. In fact, I frown upon it. However, times come around where special circumstances could be taken.

So far on my Hit Counter, I have 24 views for today, and one of them is from a recognizable IP/city. All the others are from places like Canada, Bosnia (and Herzegovina!), Germany, Hong Kong, and Russia. There hasn't been any action on my blog in over a week, save a comment on Spring Break.

Apparently, you all aren't dead, since Mom's blog has been bustling with activity, racking up 11 comments on things like vintage ties and birds above the oven.

It's quite boring and not terribly rewarding writing a dead blog. So like I said, I really hate saying "Comments please!!" cause I think that's stupid, but it'd be nice to know that my on occasion.


maya said...

I always read, but I hate posting comments because it doesn't usually work. (and pssh 24 views? thats better than a lot of people, I usually get like .2 views a day, or used to when my blog was active) And aren't blogs kind of just supposed to be for like...yourself to keep track of stuff? mostly just for fun? not necessarily to get a certain amount of views? :)

oh and Христос возрожденный! <--happy easter! Except Russian Easter isn't until next week because their calendar is actually correct, unlike ours which will slowly begin to start lagging...

Anonymous said...

Still reading here in Illinois. :))

Papa Boyd said...

I'm here, too, AB. So keep on blogging! Twenty-four views in a day? My poor old website doesn't get that many in a year! (I'd even settle for Bosnia!)

Alicebelle said...

AHH you're all ALIIIIIVE. 8D

And Maya---yeah, blogs can kind of be you-archives, but since you're showing it out to the world, it's nice to know that people read your random blabs x)

Theresa Smith said...

I always enjoy your blog and think you're a very good writer, Annabelle--although I don't really understand what role playing is and all that. Keep up the good work!