Monday, June 1, 2009

Time to ask the readers

I've been in a lull of blogging lately, and I'm not entirely sure what to write. Therefore, I'm asking you, my lovely readers, to tell me what YOU want to read.

Seriously. I'll do pretty much anything. You want movie reviews for a week? I can make that happen. An essay on the music of Danny Elfman? You got yourself an essay. A random file on my computer, a picture...whatever.


Mimmie Boyd said...

I have been thinking about your request for suggestions for your blog. How about more of your photography? That would be nice.

mayapapaya! said...

I was also just thinking about your request for suggestions, and after pondering this for a long while, I have one! :)

A lot of the time you say that your mom covered something on her blog (braces, perhaps) and so that kind of steals the opportunity for you giving your spin on things. Maybe in those rare times when your mom gets to the story before you do, you could give us your spin on it even though your mom already did. I like hearing stuff from you about braces and stuff! ^_^