Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cast Your Vote!

Ever since I've opened up my LibraryThing account (I'll get the widget back up soon!), I've been itching to see what everyone else is reading. Therefore, I set up a poll.

Which book are you most looking forward to? I'm imagining several people will say Breaking Dawn, but I know there are Eragon and Artemis Fowl fans out there. And Inkheart---that's rather popular.

Of course, there are those lamenting about how there's not going to be Harry Potter: Year Eight or Series of Unfortunate Events: Book Fourteen, "The Chilling Climax---and I'm serious this time".


Uta said...

I'm not really a huge Eragon fan.

I have to say Breaking Dawn and the next book in Erin Hunter's Seekers series.

Alicebelle said...

All righty. The voting poll...thing takes place after the archive. :D But you gotta choose one!