Sunday, June 1, 2008

Back in the Dark Office

Well, we made it to Alabama. This was the first time I took the DVD player in awhile, and I'm really glad I did. Nothing helps pass time more than Pirates of the Caribbean or Sweeney Todd special features!

We stopped at Panera at lunch, which sort of presented a couple of problems:

A) I'm really starting to get a little sick of Panera
B) I eat one thing on their menu
C) It's soup
D) The soup sometimes makes my stomach hurt
E) I would have ot eat it in the car

However, I survived with all due respect to my Jone's Root Beer---best thing EVER! I have no real plans for this week, besides movie watching, reading Twilight (again and again) and listening to Fergie on my iPod. (Yes, Mike, if you're reading this: FERGIE! And you can't stop me!)


Uta said...


Alicebelle said...

Big Girl's Don't Cry!

I downloaded those two songs along with "Bleeding Love" the night before I left. I loves them.