Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I did glorious nothing today. Sure, I did my homework at around 7---but it only took an hour or so. Besides form that, I began putting some music into Finale Notepad for Mike, checked my email, did some roleplays, and chatted on the phone.

I also took the dog out several times. It was a beautiful day, as was yesterday. Very warm, sunny, and pleasent. It's weird, because the 21st of March, which is when Spring really beings, it is always freezing. Yet on the 1st, it is always perfect. I usually go all kingergarten and call it the first day of Spring, and this year in no exception. The nice weather carried on for another day, which was nice. (However, this probably means that the 21st and 22nd are going to suck)

I'm counting down the days until Spring Break now. It's actually only a few weeks until the end of the third quarter, and that's awesome. I see the light at the end of the tunnel coming. 7th grade is going to be over soon.

*Sigh* It just can't come soon enough...

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