Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Birthday!

My mom's birthday was today, and it really wasn't that eventful. We had cake/ice cream (Ice cream cake) and I ate a few cupcakes. I had a sleepover to celebrate the friend Katie's 14th birthday (I had to miss her party), and we accidently baked too many cupcakes.

As far as I know, my mom hasn't uploaded any of her pictures yet. If she had, my post would be longer, but there isn't much else to say. Katie and I stayed up until about 2:30 last night, played Super Smash Brothers, drawing, chattering, and messing around on the computer.

Short, sweet and to the post: Happy Birthday, Mom!


Bonnie said...

Thanks, sweetie! It was a great birthday. I don't, however, think that there is any such thing as "too many cupcakes."

Alicebelle said...

Good point. I think there's only "not enough cupcakes".

Bonnie said...

Yes, and that is just too sad to think about!