Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm an American Girl!

Between ages eight to eleven, I was a loyal reader of the magazine American Girl. Recently, I say that I've outgrown it, but usually can't stop myself from buying the magazine or checking the website.

The site has 2 sections that I read: "Help from You" and "You Said It!". Every week, a topic or question is entered, and the most interesting, helpful, or wholesome are selected. If I find the topic interesting, I enter something, not really expecting to be selected.

This week's You Said It! was "Amazing Adventures". Naturally, I posted a few lines about my time in Germany, posted the required information (First name, age, and state), sent it in, and forgot about it.

Wouldn't you imagine my surprise when I saw THIS on my screen:

I lived in Germany for two years, and during that time I traveled to more than 15 different countries, including Russia, Italy, and Austria. It was an incredible adventure.
-Annabelle, age 12, Kentucky

Yes, ladies and gentleman, I got posted! The topic changes every Friday, so I'll be on all week. I've never been published before, so I was seriously freaking out.

I think I'm going to take a screenshot...savor the moment. Hmmm...


Anonymous said...

That is so neat! What a great surprise to find yourself posted, especially after you had forgotten about it. Enjoy your fame!

gomomyourock said...


I suspect though that this will not be the last time we see your name in print!


Anonymous said...

How exciting! Did you take a screenshot? I love you! Ninster